Thanks, Denise. It was definitely planned in. advance hence the invitation for a Russian journalist to be there. The attack on Zelensky’s clothing showed the world how petty they are and also they didn’t have much to attack him on. I would say that to most people, Zelensky came across as strong, honest and sincere whereas the other two were like the school bullies. Of course there are high stakes involved and it’s hard to outsmart Putin who I think is behind this. I pray fervently that justice will be served in this very complex situation.

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Putin is 100% behind all of this. Brutal justice will come as it always does for the vicious. The stupidity and ham-fistedness of their corruption will be there downfall which I’m sure Putin is counting on.

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I know it in my bones that despite rump/krasnov being president atm, russia will shit itself eventually. and choke on Ukraine.

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Someone (?) said: These are the times that try men & women's souls" So true, I am trying to keep grounded but the surges of negativity are in the air that I breathe..

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It is a trying time for sure. Pray, meditate and call for angelic help. They are here.

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J D Vance is EVIL. I cannot look at him without the words ‘Witchfinder General, Matthew Hopkins’ coming into my head. He is worse than Trump, Musk and Putin, in my opinion. I have never looked at anyone’s face and felt cold ice going down my spine. NEVER. Not even Hitler and Stalin.

Vance is a WASP supremacist - never mind the ‘useful’ Catholic conversion to get himself in with Opus Dei and the Heritage Foundation. He clearly hates all other races including Slavs and Jews, hence the vitriol towards Zelensky. This is a new type of evil that many of us outside the US have not witnessed before. The wife I believe to be a useful ‘beard’ that masks his complicated sexual sadism. This is an individual that detests women and femininity to the extreme. His energy reminds of the ‘Buffalo Bill’ character in ‘Silence of the Lambs’.

Putin has made a grave mistake here thinking he can use Vance. He would do well to remind himself of the Molotov Ribbentrop pact before the invasion of Poland and how that turned out for the USSR. If anyone should be grateful to the USA and say ‘thank-you’ it is Putin and Russia. They should say ‘Thank-you USA for sending us aid and weapons to fight Nazi Germany. Without that we wouldn’t be here now, and our land would simply be a part of Hitler’s Lebensraum.’

Vance running a country with a large nuclear stockpile is a terrifying thought. I sincerely hope he is prevented from doing so and that I’m worrying far too much!

Thank-you Denise

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I agree Vance is even worse than Trump. At least Trump is an idiot and a walking id. Trump’s evil is selfishness, greed and stupidity. Vance is a whole other level of evil, cold, cruel, calculating.

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love that photo

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This Republican theatrical production was horribly written and staged. Poor Ukrainian President Zelensky. He attempted to be kind and reasonable, but Trump and his despicably evil cronies wouldn’t have it whatsoever! They would have had to go off their vile script!

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Marco Rubio’s aura is so putrid right now even I could see it!

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