We all need some good, healthy advice. It's time to bust out Fortune Cookie Fun. A little fun and reflection to brighten your week.
This week's Fortune Cookie Fun has 230 answers! Don't peek below. Ask the Universe, or your higher power, to answer a question or just wild card it, and let the Universe give you advice you don't expect. I want you, dear reader, to close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let a number between 1 and 230 dance into your head. If you want to ask anything else or for anyone else, rinse and repeat! Experiment! You have permission to ask anything!
Once you have your numbers, think about the question(s) you asked and read the answer numbers. Determine how the answer makes sense to your question —it may be metaphorical or literal. Think about it, and it will make sense.
So, let a number between 1 and 230 float in. And remember, you can do this for yourselves and others!
(If you need a yes or no to a question, look for the new - Yes/No divination.)
You can just say no. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. Hold your boundaries.
True abundance is right around the corner. Be grateful for all you have and are.
It's the end of a cycle in your life. Now is the time to prepare for the next one.
Take a class this week, read a book, or immerse yourself in something new. It's time to expand your horizons!
Turn up the music, let the wind blow through your hair and just enjoy yourself right now, in this moment.
You are loved.
Don't stress it. Things will work out.
Money is coming your way!
Kindness is the answer this week. Have patience with friends and family. If someone you love is having a hard time, just listen. They need your support!
Speak your truth. Don't be afraid to advocate for yourself. Do it with humility and fairness, and you will make your point, inspiring others!
Take time to take care of yourself this week. De-stress by consciously doing things that are calming. For example, you could take a nice walk, a long bath, or just lay in bed and read a good book.
Listen to your heart. You know the right thing to do.
Love is in the air! Someone likes you!
Put the people in your life first. They need you right not.
Take a gamble. You can’t win if you don’t play. No risk - no reward.
It's time to take that leap of faith. You can do it!
Pay attention to signs from spirit: animals that cross your path, synchronicities, and dreams. If you don’t know the spiritual meaning, Google it and meditate on the message.
You're a great leader. Own it!
You've been avoiding something. This week, you'll find a way to deal with it.
Love is in the air. New connections and new relationships are possible. People are waiting to get to know you right now! All you have to do is get engaged.
Spend the day listening, observing, reflecting. If you need to talk, observe - what prompted that feeling? Are you speaking to fill the space? Out of anxiety? Or because you have something meaningful to add?
Speak up. Don't let others run you over. Assert your needs in a kind and gentle way.
Don't let anyone rile you. If someone has a problem with you, realize it isn't you, it's them!
Plan an adventure. Plan that trip across town or the world you've been yearning for.
Start a journal of your dreams, ideas, and ambitions. Pick at least one thing you want to accomplish by this time next year and watch the magic happen.
You are here for a reason. If you have forgotten that and feel lost, make a list of all your gifts and use them.
It’s never too late for whatever your heart desires. Take a step today and another tomorrow; soon, your heart’s desire will be yours.
Pay attention to that little voice in your head—it’s your intuition. You’ll find it’s a great compass.
\Don’t be so hard on yourself! No one is perfect or expected to be. We’re all here to learn. Forgive yourself. It will make your life better and the lives of everyone who loves you.
Hug someone. You both could use one! (Even if it's your dog, cat or hamster!)
Never forget where you came from. Honor your ancestors this week by looking at old photos, going to the cemetery, or burning a candle and meditating on your loved ones on the other side.
Sage your home, spiritually cleanse your space, and put light around you and your space.
Pay attention to the animals you meet or see today. Google them with "What does _(insert animal here)__ mean spiritually," and then see how the information applies to your current life.
If you haven't started a dream journal, do so today. If you have one, read a random dream and see if you can make sense of its meaning.
You look hot! If you've got it, flaunt it this week!
Sacrifice and hard work, blah! This may not be the most fun you've ever had this week, but it's getting you closer to your goals!!!
Try not to let the world get you down. Yes, things are messed up, but you can’t control everything. Focus on what you can do and enjoy your life.
Pay attention to the animals that come into your life over the next week. Spirit is speaking to you through them. Make sure to google their spiritual meaning!
Embrace love, let go of stress, and recognize that when confronted with meanness, you have nothing to do with why that person is acting that way.
Take a breath, and then make a list of your goals. Don’t let anyone take you off your path.
Be kind to yourself. We all make mistakes. Punishing yourself helps no one.
It's a beautiful day! Go out and make the most of it. Let inspiration strike! Pay attention to every detail and journal it. If you pay attention to your surroundings, a breakthrough is coming.
This is the week to take control of your health. Make that doctor's appointment, go on that diet, or just eat better and get some exercise. Don't blow it off or make excuses! Pay attention to your body, and you will feel a lot better!
This is a good week to relax. Don't push yourself too hard—you need to baby yourself. You need some time, so enjoy your mini-staycation!
Create something—anything! Allow yourself to indulge your creative side. Plant some flowers, knit a hat, paint an old chest of drawers or a painting, or do a collage—anything that engages your creative side. Your creativity can lift you up and take you somewhere new. Have some fun! Enjoy yourself.
Someone may drive you a little crazy! Take a breath and tap down the drama.
Expect the unexpected this week - this could be good or bad, so pay attention!
You've been putting something off. Just deal with it. You'll feel like you put down that sack of potatoes you've been carrying - it will be so nice!
Yes - absolutely, yes! It's going to work out, whatever you've been wondering about. It's a yes.
Time to weed your life. You have let too many complications in. Weed the area of your life most in need right now, be that your friend group, love life close inner circle, or maybe even your job/career! Time to take out what's working against you!
Pay special attention to your environment this week. You may encounter negative people or energy. As long as you are aware and vigilant, everything will be OK. This week, pay special attention to your intuition—trust it implicitly, and all will go well!
Family, friends, people you love, it's time to make time for them.
Anxiety and tension may run rampant, but you don't have to let them get the best of you! Take some deep breaths and commit random acts of kindness to yourself and others. This will help you counteract the stress!
Connect with your spirit. Take some time to meditate this week.
Do something nice for yourself this week. Take a moment to be grateful and enjoy your life.
Lend your help to someone, something, or a cause you love. It will spread love and make you feel better.
Nope! The answer is no. Let it go, and don't worry about it. It won't happen.
Find the humor in it. Today, make a point of writing a joke. I know that sounds weird, but take something awful you've been through, exaggerate it, and make fun of it. Once you feel it's sufficiently absurd, tell someone you love and see if you can crack them up.
Give someone new a chance. Accept that invitation for coffee or lunch. Allow new friends in. You'll have the opportunity to meet and make new friends this week.
Looking good! Know your rock! Hottie!
Take the day, night, or week off! You need a perspective break. Whatever is bothering you, let it go for now. Stop yourself from worrying about it. Take a deep breath. Watch a movie or do anything you enjoy, then return to the issue and try to see it from the outside.
Family, friends, people you love, it's time to make time for them.
Anxiety and tension may run rampant, but you don't have to let them get the best of you! Take some deep breaths and commit to random acts of kindness. This will help you counteract the stress!
Connect with your spirit. Take some time to meditate this week.
Do something nice for yourself this week. Take a moment to be grateful and enjoy your life.
Nope! The answer is no. Let it go, and don't worry about it. It won't happen.
Find the humor in it. Today, make a point of writing a joke. I know that sounds weird, but take something awful you've been through, exaggerate it, and make fun of it. Once you feel it's sufficiently absurd, tell someone you love and see if you can crack them up.
Give someone new a chance. Accept that invitation for coffee or lunch. Allow new friends in. You'll have the opportunity to meet and make new friends this week.
Looking good! Know your rock! Hottie!
Take the day, night, or week off! You need a perspective break. Whatever is bothering you, let it go for now. Stop yourself from worrying about it. Take a deep breath. Watch a movie or do anything you enjoy - then come back to the issue and try to see it from the outside.
Bask in the sun, get out of the house, and converse with someone who seems interesting.
Pay attention to the birds you see over a couple of days. There's a message in it from the other side. Spirit is trying to communicate with you! Relax and let the message come through - trust yourself!
This is a great week to patch things up or redo something languishing. Have a half-knitted sweater? Or a half-painted wall? Finish up old projects and feel the satisfaction of completion and that burden off your back.
Time to get a check-up. Set up an appointment with your doctor this week. Be thorough. Time to stop putting it off!
Make a change. Take a leap of faith. Don't be afraid. Go for it!
Tip of the hat to you. Congratulations will soon be in order!
Get prepared. Are you thinking about putting together an earthquake or emergency kit? Do it—get it done this week—and you'll feel better.
Go on a news and social media diet. This week, take a vacation from the stresses of the outside world. Focus solely on you, your family, and your friends. Ignore what's happening in the world. Get your news secondhand from the ones you love. Spend some quality time with yourself and your loved ones. Reconnect!
Magic is afoot. You are brewing a new and deeper understanding. Pay attention to your inner wisdom.
Take some time just to dream, think, and be with yourself. You will be amazed at all the fruit lurking within you, just waiting to be plucked.
You're going to have fun! Lots of socializing and happy times are coming your way!
Now’s the time to hang out with friends, reconnect and build community.
Follow your heart, and use your discernment.
This is too big an issue. Pray to the Creator for an answer, give it a few days, and let the answer come. Pay close attention to your dreams.
You are surrounded by people who love you even if you can’t always see them. Pay attention to who shows up in your dreams. Someone is trying to contact you from the other side.
Stop being so hard on yourself, let it go, forgive yourself!
Totally! You can do it! Time to get off your rear and get into gear!
It’s a new chapter for you. Just take that first baby step and own your future!
Love is in the air. Pay attention, and you’ll find someone dear.
Transformation. Embrace it. You are becoming a butterfly. Soon, you will spread your wings.
To get off the treadmill, you must spend time dreaming, planning, and allowing yourself to soar. Each baby step will get you there, from saving a few extra bucks to considering long-term goals.
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Yes, it’s a dumb saying, but in this case, it’s true. Just let it go! It will all work out!
You’re free to change your mind. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it!
Lend your help to someone, something, or a cause you love. It will spread love and make you feel better.
Nope! The answer is no. Let it go, and don't worry about it. It won't happen.
Find the humor in it. Today, make a point of writing a joke. I know that sounds weird, but take something awful you've been through, exaggerate it, and make fun of it. Once you feel it's sufficiently absurd, tell someone you love and see if you can crack them up.
Give someone new a chance. Accept that invitation for coffee or lunch. Allow new friends in. You'll have the opportunity to meet and make new friends this week.
Looking good! Know your rock! Hottie!
Take the day, night, or week off! You need a perspective break. Whatever is bothering you, let it go for now. Stop yourself from worrying about it. Take a deep breath. Watch a movie or do anything you enjoy - then come back to the issue and try to see it from the outside.
Bask in the sun, get out of the house, and converse with someone who seems interesting.
Pay attention to the birds you see over a couple of days. There's a message in it from the other side. Spirit is trying to communicate with you! Relax and let the message come through - trust yourself!
This is a great week to patch things up or redo something languishing. Have a half-knitted sweater? Or a half-painted wall? Finish up old projects and feel the satisfaction of completion and that burden off your back.
Time to get a check-up. Set up an appointment with your doctor this week. Be thorough. Time to stop putting it off!
Make a change. Take a leap of faith. Don't be afraid. Go for it!
Totally! You can do it! Time to get off your rear and get into gear!
Are you thinking about taking a class? Learning a new skill can open you up to a whole new world!
You are loved, know that! There is no one like you!
Genius! Brilliant, that is you!
Work it out! You can do it. Trust the process.
Finish that thing. Get it done!
Love means always having to say you're sorry. Don’t let your pride prevent you from being happy.
Let love rule. Follow your heart, not your head, right now.
Don't let things get to you. It may be a stressful week, but make sure to take some time for yourself!
Dream big! Anything is possible now!
Be cautious. Now is not the time to shake things up. Take a breath, give it a minute - wait for clarity.
You've got talent! It's time to use it, show it, and reap the rewards of your unique abilities.
No need to jump to conclusions! Someone or something may upset you, but take a moment to react. The root of the problem is a miscommunication. Keep that in mind, and you'll be able to resolve the situation peacefully.
Take time to connect with your spirit. Meditate, pray, or go for a walk in nature. Let your spirit speak to you.
Make the first move. Don't be afraid to contact an old friend, a new friend, or someone you've been missing.
Good news is coming! Keep an eye out!
Own your power! Know you are valuable. You are deserving.
Don't take the bait this week. Someone will try to drag you down - so don't let them! Walk away when they throw that chum into the proverbial water. If others bite, well, you can't control that. Eventually, your calm grace will win the day.
Bad things happen to good people. You aren’t being punished. Creator loves you. Remember, this is the dream that your eternal soul will forget, but you will always have the lesson of this hardship. That is the gift.
Something is going on; a change is coming. Prepare yourself for the unexpected.
Create a sacred space in your home and/or make prayer and meditation a daily ritual.
Send love to someone you have been meaning to reach out to.
Take up an art form: knitting, needlework, dancing, acting, puppeteering, journaling, sculpture, painting, writing, etc., anything to express yourself!
Sometimes, you have to blow things up to resolve them. Stagnation has to end, and sometimes it ain't pretty.
Enjoy every moment. There is so much beauty growing out of life’s turds.
OK - you are hooking up! Have fun! Enjoy the romance.
Make your current motto life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Allow yourself to have fun without guilt. Embrace your life and give yourself a break!
It may be a crazy week, so hang onto your hat and keep cool!
Everything isn't black and white; try to see the entire spectrum. Make it your mantra this week to respect diverse people and opinions!
The next adventure is right around the corner. This week, you are one step closer to it. Take stock of how far you've come and enjoy the scenery.
Have you been thinking about starting something new? Well, this is the week to take that next step! What you do this week will have ramifications for many years, perhaps your life. So go for it!
Indulge your imagination. Let it run wild. New ideas and passions are waiting to be born in you and your life!
You're always young enough to reach your dreams! Don't give up on your ambitions. You can do it!
Your new life is waiting to happen. Just take that first baby step, the next one, and the next one—before you know it, you'll be there!
The old chapter is closing. A new chapter in your life is about to begin, so you better get writing. What do you want it to be?
You are unique. No one is like you. Own your uniqueness. Your Creator made you. Remember, you are divine!
You can’t change other people (this is how karma gets created), but you can choose to take whatever lessons can be learned from the folly of others. After you work through the pain, wisdom will grow.
Count your blessings. You have so many! Be grateful for all your gifts.
Look, listen, and reflect; don't say too much now. It's best to keep a keen eye and closed lips.
You're special someone is close by. If you look closely, you can find them this week!
You are going to be recognized. Don't be embarrassed. You are loved and admired, and someone or more than just someone will let you know how special you are. Enjoy it!
Invest in yourself. Do something that helps you reach the next level. Take a class, watch an instructional video, or buy the tools you need to do what you want. This is the week to turn a new corner by believing in yourself.
Embrace your inner and outer beauty! You are amazing!
You may feel stressed right now. Do or take up an activity that brings you joy. Don't let the turkeys get you down!
Something exciting is about to happen! Enjoy it!
Be careful! You are accident-prone this week.
Darkness, darkness everywhere. Avoid negative people and situations this week, or things could get ugly. Be vigilant and aware of crossing the wrong person or being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Take a moment to relax. Permit yourself to enjoy your life!
Family can be trying, but they are family. Try setting some boundaries in a nice, gentle way.
If you don’t have a furry friend, you need one! If you do, hug your sweet baby. You need a serotonin hit.
Don't be so hard on yourself! Let it go. Forgive and forget!
Go on a social media or news diet. Unplug for a few days and pick up something or someone you've meant to get to.
Fireworks! For good or ill, emotions are running high this week.
Be someone's hero this week. Make a difference in someone's life. It could be as simple as rescuing a cat or dog, listening to a lonely person, or helping out a kid with nowhere to go. Whatever it is, step up and change the world for the better!
Don't get bogged down in worry. Everything will be OK. You are working yourself up over nothing.
Take a philosophical view of your situation. See it from God's point of view and for all time. This, too, shall pass. It's all a learning process.
Though the world around you may be chaotic, keep calm and enjoy the moment's sweetness.
Take the lead in relationships this week. If someone has been eying you, take it to the next level by inviting them and getting to know them. Nothing good comes without risk!
Be open to the universe, but stay invested in one relationship. Play the field, and enjoy getting to know lots of people.
Learn a new skill. Do you want to travel astrally or play the piano? Get a book or watch a tutorial and start learning!
You may hear negative things said about you behind your back. Stay centered, and don't let them throw you off. Avoid negative characterizations of a friend or loved one. You did not see things clearly, and you may feel hurt. Instead, (lovingly) clear the air with them and let this be an opportunity to bring you closer.
Don't go to war when you don't have to. Nothing good comes of war. Take it down a notch and think through the situation. Instead of escalating, try a new strategy.
Take the week to let go and forgive someone who wronged you. They don't need to know. Do it for yourself so you can finally be free.
If you don't have a cat, dog, bunny, guinea pig, fish, or random farm animal, make it your mission to spend time with critters. If you have a cute critter, spend extra time with it, tune into it, and see if you can tune into its needs and feelings. Animals are healing and grounding - give them some love!
Start something new, such as a class, a project, or a side hustle - it's time to start fresh.
A new chapter is starting in your life. Take advantage of these first new pages!
You are beautiful inside and out. Be kind to yourself.
It’s time to get out and find your new people.
Get involved in something you’ve always wanted to do. Just one baby step, then another, and you’ll be up and running before you know it!
You deserve some pampering. Take a day this week to take a long bath, get a haircut, get a message, or have a personal spa day—whatever rejuvenates you!
Time to reevaluate. Something isn’t working. Take a few days to dig into the problem. Whatever it is - it is solvable, even if it’s just a matter of a perspective shift. Once you figure it out, try a new tact.
Life is too short to worry about the small stuff. Take a deep breath and let it go!
Trust your gut! You already know the right answer.
Everything has to end. It may end one chapter, but it will start a new one!
Visualize what you want and make it happen!
The force is with you this week! You are in your flow. Use it wisely.
Someone may be demanding this week. Try not to let it upset you. Set boundaries, remember them, and assert them before things get out of control.
It's the end of an era but the beginning of a new one! You're in a transitional period. It's time to plan your new future.
You are required to be a leader. Don't doubt yourself; you have the ability and will do a great job.
This week, someone you love will need extra care and attention, so strap in and give them your love. They need you!
Things may slow but will pick up over the next few weeks, so pace yourself.
Rethink whatever has been bothering you. Do a simple mental clearing through 10 minutes of meditation, and then imagine looking at your problem from the perspective of space. Look down on it. Detach from it. If it is a relational problem, take on the other person’s perspective.
Make sure to let those you love know you love them. Tell them.
This week, a surprise is coming!
Be careful when showing your hand this week. Some people may not have your best interest at heart, so keep your lips sealed and your eyes open.
This week, explore your spirituality. Visit a yoga class, meditation group, psychic or astrology class, or a temple, church, or mosque - one that reflects your values. It's time to grow your spirit.
Be creative. If you've never indulged in an art form, try doodling, noodling on a guitar, or picking up a drum. Do something to express your creativity. If you are or have indulged in a particular art, try a different one. You will learn new things about yourself and leave your comfort zone.
Experiment with astral travel and/or lucid dreaming this week. Look at your hands once an hour throughout the day. Say to yourself, "When I look at my hands, it will trigger me to wake up." Do this until you are in the dream and look at your hands. This will trigger your conscious mind to wake up in the dream. This starts lucid dreaming, which can later become astral travel.
Get involved in something you're passionate about. Time to make your voice heard.
Don't let your past hold you back. You have learned your lesson. Remember what has happened and trust yourself again. You have the power to change your pattern. Someone may be verbally abusive to you or have been. Remember, they are the ones with the problem, not you. Don't own their issues. Don't engage with them. Let it go, knowing it has nothing to do with who you are. You are merely acting as a mirror for their projected inner darkness.
Kick some ass! Stand up for yourself. Establish good boundaries and patrol them this week!
Buy yourself a little present. It's just something to remind yourself how awesome you are. It doesn't need to be expensive. A crystal, a candle, something minor. Place it prominently in your home or office space as a reminder of the love you deserve and need to give yourself. Consciously remember every time you look at it, you are divine! Remember, you are a spark of the Creator. Respect and love yourself and carry that love to the other sparks of the Creator you come across.
Slow down and look inward. You've spent too much time and energy on other people and outer goals—you may be spinning your wheels. It's time to recalibrate.
A brilliant idea! A breakthrough! Don't think twice. Act on it!
Politics, politics, politics - stay out of the fray! Maybe people are talking, but you don't have to! It will just get you in trouble.
Keep an eye on your investments. Don't let your emotions get the better of you. Slow, steady logic and strategy are needed to get the job done.
Expect the unexpected this week. For good and ill, things will be wacky.
Take better care of your health. Rethink your diet and go for walks, bike rides, dances, or hikes. Get your body moving and have fun doing it!
You may be annoyed by someone right now or shortly. Instead of getting upset or angry, see their humanity. Think of them as a little kid, vulnerable and mortal. Soften up and let their silliness roll off you in good humor.
Let the light in. Take a few moments to sit in the sun and visualize its light permeating your cells and soul. Soak up the sun's healing energy and feel its warmth and love.
Be careful of accidents today. Stay grounded and watch what you do and say. Hold onto that cup and be surefooted as you climb the stairs.
Avoid making big decisions today. Think about the question, take a deep breath, and let your unconscious work on solving it. Then, come back to it in the next day or so.
Pay attention to your environment. You will get little clues about the right way to go.
Something or someone lost will be found again soon!
Reach out to a relative. Haven’t talked to your aunt, cousin, uncle, or step-sister in a while? Call them and touch base.
Join something this week—a class, a workshop, a meet-up group, or a professional organization. You need to meet someone!
Stay on the straight and narrow and be extra careful not to get pulled over, jaywalk, speed, etc. If you go to a protest or are in a public place, de-escalate situations, don't engage, and walk away!
Yeah! A trip is coming! Enjoy your well-earned vacation!
Give yourself some love. Maybe you've felt a little down. But remember, you are a great person. Recount all of your accomplishments, all of the happy moments you've had - now make a new one. Put on your favorite song, get your dog, cat, friend, or partner, and sing and dance until you laugh. You deserve joy! Share some joy with those you love.
Go to that event you've been thinking about (meet-up group, spiritual service, coffee klatch, book club, writer's group, bar hang, you fill in the blank). It's time to connect and reconnect!
Love is in the air—just look around. You and your partner will have a wonderful week together; if you don't have one yet, you will soon!
Don't let your temper get the best of you! Take a deep breath. You will need it - someone might try to get your goat, but you're better than that! You will have a lesson in patience and be better for it! Take a walk or a nice bath, and make sure to breathe. Everything is going to be OK! You rock! You got this!
You deserve a treat. You've been working hard! Go ahead and splurge (within reason). Take some time to enjoy your life.
Do something you've never done before! Something you've always been curious about. Good things will come from stretching yourself and taking this tiny risk. Shake up your routine! Let more life in.
Someone likes you! Come on, you know who it is!
This week, you're going to meet someone super cool! If you let them, this person could improve your life. Don't be afraid to be yourself and connect.
Go ahead and play bingo or the lottery (within moderation). Lady luck has kissed your forehead! If you're going to a casino - WOO-HOO! You could win big. Just remember to step away from the table once you do!
Why so glum? Don't let the world get your panties in a bunch. Yes, everything sucks if you overthink it. But everything is also excellent if you shift your perspective. Be grateful. You have so much going for you. Remember that. Remember your awesomeness!
Call your long-lost friend (sibling, cousin, etc.) and reconnect —you'll be glad you did! It will improve both of your lives.
Expect the unexpected this week!
Judge not lest they be judged. Don't be so hard on yourself or others - things may not be as simple as they look.
A new opportunity is coming this week. Take advantage of it! You'll need new adventures!
Love is in the air! Just look around. Seize your sizzle!
Call up a friend you haven't talked to and reconnect.
It may be time to get yourself a new furry best friend. If you've been thinking about it, visit your local rescue.
You've been thinking about doing that thing. So why don't you just do it already?
Love your painting.
Beautiful painting! ❤️